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TSET Healthy Living Program

The TSET Healthy Living Program locally consists of three staff members working within Garfield Co. to reduce tobacco use and obesity, the primary causes of Oklahoma’s top killers – cancer and cardiovascular disease.  Half of all cancers are caused by obesity and other lifestyle choices.


Using a comprehensive approach, the team works with businesses, city governments, community organizations, and schools to create meaningful opportunities to encourage Oklahomans to eat better, move more, and be tobacco free.


The TSET Healthy Living Program supports the prevention and reduction of tobacco use and obesity in an effort to lessen the burden of unhealthy behaviors before they take root. A strong emphasis on reducing these risk factors will save lives and money.

Examples of the TSET Healthy Living Program strategies include:


  • Working with cities and governments on tobacco ordinances as well as urban design and transportation strategies that encourage active living for people of all ages and abilities.

  • Assisting with agreements between cities, schools, organizations, and community groups to open facilities to engage the public in physical activity.

  • Engaging schools to enhance healthy nutritional options and physical activity opportunities.

  • Providing guidance to local grocers and small food retailers on stocking affordable healthy options to make the healthy choice the easier choice.

  • Reducing youth access to tobacco by educating tobacco retailers on Tobacco 21 and ensuring compliance.

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